Hudson Reporter Archive

Cast your vote for my friend, Richard Del Boccio on June 10th

Dear Editor:

I urge all 2nd Ward voters to cast their vote for Mr. Richard Del Boccio this June 10th. Richard is a lifelong friend and has always been sincere and a man of integrity.

Richard’s phone is open to all who call, and he returns all calls even if not at home at the time. Richard’s record is proof that he gets things done and listens to all who approach him with a problem or ideas on how to improve the quality of life in Hoboken.

You can always see Richard walking the streets with his lovely wife Vicky and greeting people, young and old, and taking the time to listen to the needs of the people in the 2nd Ward.

I ask the voters to cast their vote for Mr. Del Boccio in June 10th council runoffs.

Jack Turso

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