Hudson Reporter Archive

Ban on cell phones is a must for our safety

Dear Editor:

I noted with interest the article in the Secaucus Scene that was mailed to our residents. In this the claim is made that Mayor Elwell initiated contact with all levels of government to urge a ban on hand held cell phones while driving a motor vehicle. The article goes on to state that the council was told that the ban for drivers was unenforceable by police. In a verbal comment to the council the police chief told the council he could enforce it but in a practical sense it was difficult.

The article further states that the Town Attorney said that unless the neighboring communities adopted similar bans it would not hold up in court. The May 13, 2003 Jersey Journal states that nine New Jersey communities have already adopted similar bans. They evidently feel that if the ordinances are struck down by the courts, it is a simple matter to repeal the ordinance. I have made this point frequently.

As has been reported in newspapers, I have been trying to get the council to adopt a ban for many months. When I could not get support from the council, I asked that we at least seek state support by writing to them as well as other municipalities who have enacted such a ban. Again there was no support from the council and another report from the administration said it was not necessary since it was covered by existing ordinances such as reckless or careless driving.

I think that no support was given to my efforts merely so the action could appear to be initiated by the mayor. This politicizing of an important issue shows a complete disregard of the safety issues involved. I am sure that most people agree that the use of cell phones, as well as actions such as eating, while driving is dangerous. I will again ask that we put in place our own ordinance and not wait for state action. A number of other communities are apparently more concerned about the safety of their residents and have enacted such bans with fines ranging as high as $250.

As noted in the Secaucus Scene article, a similar ban in New York State has been successful. Will we next see our mayor stating he proposed the tax on hotel rooms, which was proposed by Councilwoman Pat DeFerrari when she sat on the council?

John Bueckner, Councilman
Second Ward, Secaucus

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