Dear Editor
We, New Jersey residents need to be aware of the serious political, economic and personal effects that a smoking ban such as the one passed in NY can have.
As a NYC bar owner, I can tell you the economic effects are devastating. As a smoker, I can tell you that I’m angry and shocked that it passed.
Know who you are voting for, be clear as to how they stand on this issue. I attended several city council meetings regarding the ban, it was a very contentious debate. We managed to get only minimal exemptions to the ban and then these were eradicated by a more extensive state ban that was pushed through in less than 72 hours with no public involvement at all (how did that happen?) Be aware of what your candidates plan to do behind closed doors.
I respect non-smokers, but I am a good citizen and neighbor, too. All of our rights need to be protected.
M. Ross