Hudson Reporter Archive

Vote for the dedicated people of the Hoboken Alliance team for a better and ever-changing Hoboken

Dear Editor:

After more than a decade of living in Hoboken and avoiding the murky world that was Hoboken politics, I wrote a letter to the Hoboken Reporter in February 2002 to bring to the attention of the public the Zoning Board’s approval of the two 17-story towers at 101 Marshall Street. It was then I met Tony Soares, Beth Mason, Liz Markevitch and a group of community activists that helped drastically change the Hoboken political scene; Tony as City Councilman at Large, Beth working withing the then new Roberts’ administration on the Master Plan and Liz helping to organize a group of citizens to fight against the over development in Hoboken.

These were not career politicians living off the system or political hacks manufactured by a political machine. These were city taxpayers who stood up and demanded a better government run in Hoboken. It seemed to be working and things changed for the better.

Reformers are often criticized as being "negative." Well I want to go on record as being "negative" as well and say I will not accept the old politics of "let’s make a deal" with the future of our city.

I support and ask you to vote for the dedicated people of the Hoboken Alliance team to be representing the people of Hoboken at this time of great change. The city we build in the next few years will be the Hoboken we must live in for decades to come.


John Gregorio

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