Hudson Reporter Archive

I endorse Tony Soares, the person who will fight for the Fourth Ward

Dear Editor:

Many people in the Fourth Ward have asked me why I am not running for City Council this year, and I tell them, "because I am confident that Tony Soares will fight for my ward and will fight for the people I care most about, you." Tony and I have disagreed on many things in the past but the thing we have always found common ground on is the idea that the Fourth Ward is under represented and that the people of the Fourth Ward need someone who is not afraid to fight for what is right and fair. We need a free thinker who is not "owned" by any interest but ours. Tony is well known as a fighter who refuses to be controlled by the "Professional Politicians" who run City Hall.

Tony has long made the Fourth Ward a priority — by spearheading the fight against 101 Marshall Drive, by sponsoring Fourth Ward Neighborhood Clean-up days and by always being front and center whenever the residents of the Fourth Ward have a problem, Tony has proven that when push comes to shove he will fight for us. I know that Tony will continue to fight for us in the future. He will make Affordable Housing a top priority. He will fight to fix our 100-year-old sewers and stop the flooding. He will fight to create local parks for our children, and he will make sure that we have a real voice in City Hall.

The time has come for our voices to be heard and recognized in this City. We cannot continue to elect "professional politicians" who only come to our homes when they need our vote. We need a City Councilman who will be at our doors whenever we face a problem. We need a City Councilman who will be our voice, we need a City Councilman who will "fight for the little guy." That City Councilman is Tony Soares.

When City Hall says no to fixing the problems in our neighborhood, when City Hall says "we cannot do anything," Tony will say "Si, se puede" — Yes we can, and he will do something.

Nellie Moyeno

Former City Council President

and Concerned Fourth Ward resident

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