Hudson Reporter Archive

Department of Public Works services Central Ave.

Dear Editor:

After a year of pursuing the Department of Public Works (DPW) to provide the necessary maintenance on Central Ave., another promise was made for the repair work. Unlike previous promises that went unfulfilled, this promise has credibility.

The new DPW Executive Director, Betty Outlaw, has taken the initiative to be the first DPW representative in months to actually address the maintenance problems on Central Avenue. Mrs. Outlaw has assigned Acting Director Willy Brown to directly attend Central Avenue’s needs. Together they have established an estimate for the repair, contracted a company to do the tree replacement work and have made several phone calls to the Central Avenue Special Improvement District (CASID) reporting the status of the situation.

It has been stated that 21 new Male Ginko trees will be planted later this spring along with seven new reinforced plastic tree grates and 18 garbage receptacles along the Avenue. As of April 1, 2003, the work has begun as a contracted company came to Central Avenue and removed 16 dead and broken trees. DPW representatives Ted Martin, George A. Lewis Sr., Steven Sedlak, Mike Hinton, Jugmohan Baijiyauth (Jack) and Anthony R. Henderson secured the empty tree pits on Central Avenue shortly after the trees were removed. Along with the tree removal, the DPW has installed Easter Banners for the CASID and has commenced tree trimming along the Avenue.

The Central Avenue SID would like to thank Betty Outlaw, Willy Brown and all parties from the DPW involved in initiating the maintenance needed to Central Avenue.

President Michael Yun and the Board of Directors
Central Avenue SID

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