Hudson Reporter Archive

Deception, deceit and desperation

Dear Editor:

On Monday, April 14, 2003, many residents of Secaucus received a business envelope, with a handwritten address and U.S. postage stamp, with no-return address. What was perceived by many residents to be “junk mail,” until the envelope was opened.

Contained in the envelope was a typewritten letter, vilifying and degrading the candidacy of George Heflich Sr., for the position of trustee on the Secaucus Board of Education. That debasement of George Heflich is commonly known to all as “Character Assassination,” which is about the lowest form of politics any individual or individuals can indulge in.

Among George Heflich’s many attributes: served as Councilman form 1974-1980; thirty eight years Volunteer Fireman; Fire Chief from 1985-1987; full time Fire Official; former Teamster Shop Steward and Labor Negotiator. Evidently, without any doubt, George certainly qualified to be a trustee.

To add further insult to injury, the letter was signed with three letters in caps, “S.O.S.” Those letters are the acronym for “Save Our Secaucus” organization.

The Save Our Secaucus organization consisted of many residents and volunteers of all political affiliation who fought over the development, irrational and impractical planning for the Ship Tank property. This group has never endorsed any political candidate or party. Each member exercises his or her own choice in the political forum.

The deception, deceit and trickery of using the unauthorized name of an organization or person is “Fraud.” And, to disgrace a legitimate candidate, reveals the type character of the individual or individuals who initiated this evil and wicked scheme.

Fortunately, the voters of Secaucus saw right through this incredible ploy and George Heflich won an astounding victory. He was top vote getter amongst four candidates with a total of 1240 votes, thus a trustee of the Secaucus Board of Education.

Desperate individuals do desperate things at a desperate time and fail to realize the consequences of that event.

Thank you.

Sincerely yours,
Sam Maffei
Frank MacCormack
Officers of the
“Save Our Secaucus”

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