Hudson Reporter Archive

Editorial was far beyond decency

Dear Editor:

Article VI of the American Society of Newspaper Editors states:

“….Journalism should respect the rights of people involved in the news, observe the common standards of decency and stand accountable to the public for fairness and accuracy of their news report.”

I am outraged by the callousness of the article written by Mr. Steven Glazer that ran on the front page of the Urban Times News, February 28-March 6, 2003 Edition. In his article critiquing Council President L. Harvey Smith, titled “Uncle Harvey Does It Again,” Mr. Glazer accused Mr. Smith of using the excuse of deaths in his family in South Carolina to escape the responsibilities to Jersey City. Mr. Glazer wrote:

“Uncle Harvey could not be reached for comment by this newspaper. In fact Uncle Harvey can never be reached for comment by this newspaper. Long time political activists who have known him well and for a long time said, “Harvey has killed half the state of South Carolina by now. There are entire ghost towns there because of Harvey. Every time there is a problem or situation that he wants to avoid, there suddenly develops a serious illness or death of some family member in South Carolina. If it were true that somebody had really died every time Harvey ducked out of a confrontation of some sort saying it was due to a death of a family member in South Carolina, the entire state would be practically empty.”

I cannot imagine the pain of a parent who witnesses the death of their child. I certainly cannot imagine the emotions in the Smith household, when upon returning from their son’s funeral in South Carolina, they were exposed to such disheartening criticism and mockery of the premature death of their child.

I hold accountable the editors and owners of the Urban Times News who review and endorse the aritcles before the paper goes to print. I have heard of no action taken by them, Therefore, one must assume the article did not offend them. Similarly, anyone who runs a column or publishes a story in the Urban Times News must be held accountable for not speaking out against Mr. Glazer’s brand of journalism. In addition, the advertisers that continue to finance the newspaper must be held accountable too. Lastly, it sickens me that our local leaders fail to show the courage to publicly chastise this newspaper. In a civilized society the actions of Mr. Glazer and the Urban Times News are unacceptable.

I urge all of the aforementioned individuals and groups identified with the Urban Times News to condemn writers like Mr. Glazer who violate the Principles of Journalism and more so the standards of human decency.

To the public: I urge you to speak out against the wrongs in this world because left unattended you can be the next victim.

Mr. Smith, we mourn with you as we all do over the passing of a family member. We apologize as a community for the actions of those who embarrass the majority of us all with their consciousless actions.

Robin Pinkowitz

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