Hudson Reporter Archive

Drugs make you ugly!

Dear Editor:

A lot has been published about the (D.A.R.E. Program) Drug Abuse Resistance Education Program and the effort to remove the only drug prevention program in our schools.

Today in our schools excellent teachers are forced to teach children to pass standardized tests so that local school boards can say they have improved our schools. However, learning to conjugate a verb is meaningless, if the student cannot deal with the pressure of a drug society.

D.A.R.E. classes teach real life coping methods for children who are bombarded with messages from movies, music and sometimes parental behavior that drug use is OK. D.A.R.E. simply tells the truth about drug use. Drug use destroys lives, creates personality changes that are violent, ruins careers and families. Drugs make you ugly.

D.A.R.E. lessons begin simply by defining what are good and bag drugs. D.A.R.E. shows the difference between medicine and heroin; and the immediate and long-term consequences of using illegal drugs. It shows how kids get influenced by others, the media and of course, eight ways of saying “no” to drugs and still sounding really “cool.” It offers students options. D.A.R.E. is about getting the students to make the right decision using proven techniques that can get them through this most difficult time.

It seems the issue is “the cost” of this program. So much of the program is covered with grant money. So what’s at stake? The children and our future. Perhaps the school board should review textbook contracts in order to cut cost.

Drug use is on the rise. How much higher would it be if there were no D.A.R.E. classes? The Elks are committed to our community, and our children. Drug Abuse Resistance Education is important. Let’s not fail our kids.

Mary Revell – E.R.
Jersey City Elks Lodge #211

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