Hudson Reporter Archive

Everyone can benefit; vote yes on the bond issue

Dear Editor:

I am writing this in support of the town’s plan for school renovations. As a parent it’s a no-brainer, any improvement would be greatly appreciated. However, I also understand those who do not have children in the Weehawken school system; they are wondering why should I commit my tax money to something that does not help me?

Two things to consider. If you’re a homeowner, it is probably the biggest investment you have, so you would like to see its value increase. One of the things that homebuyers always look into is the quality of the school system. The better the schools, the greater the value of living there; the greater the value of your home. It’s like a home improvement with the State picking up part of the tab. Secondly, it has to be done. The schools do not meet all the requirements under the government regulations. It is only a matter of time before we have to make these upgrades, and if we wait, rates could go up and state money dry up and we are left with a much larger bill.

So please vote yes on the bond issue; schools are important to everyone.

Mark A. Denfeld

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