Hudson Reporter Archive

I wrote my own letter, just like Forbes had her own opinion

Dear Editor:

I am truly appalled and angry by what Ms. Carrie Gilliard wrote in the Hoboken Reporter dated 8/11/02 about Ms. Annie Forbes and Mr. Ruben Ramos, Jr. I have known Mr. Ramos and Ms. Forbes for many years and have found them to be the most respectful and kindest people I have ever met.

Where was Ms. Gilliard when Ms. Forbes was having these problems with the Hoboken Housing Authority and Ms. Walker? Not once did I or anyone else see her come to Ms. Forbes’ aid or offer her any kind of support. Who did support her and who was there for her besides her friends and family? Mr. Ruben Ramos, Jr., Mayor David Roberts and Mr. Christopher Campos.

I think that Ms. Gilliard needs to get off her high horse and smell the coffee. She needs to open her mind. Obviously, she has no clue to what Ms. Forbes has been through nor does she know what other African-Americans are going through in the Hoboken Housing Authority. She should make it a point to visit the housing authority, when it is not time to vote and see what goes on there.

I have had nothing but positive responses from the Hoboken United Team. Each and every time I call or fax or email something to the Hoboken United Team, I get a response either written or verbal. I have never received anything but the utmost respect from them. And no one should blame the current administration for the mistakes and blunders that the previous administration did.

By the way, this letter was not written by anyone but myself! I do not need anyone to tell me how to feel, write and speak! I am my own person, just as Ms. Forbes is her own person!


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