Hudson Reporter Archive

Are we supposed to be grateful?

Dear Editor:

In a speech delivered in Mississippi, Pres. Bush promised worried Americans that hed be patient and deliberate in deciding when, where and how to whack Iraq. Oh, will he? And were supposed to be grateful?

Since when does he decide when America goes to war? Our wise Founders fought a bloody revolution against the King of England and then wrote a glorious Constitution to make sure Americans would be free forever of kings and their corrupt counselors whod bankrupt the people by pushing them into foreign alliances and quarrels not in their vital interest. The Constitution gives Congress alone the power to declare and pay for a war, because Congress is elected by the people, who are smart enough not to send their children to die in a ditch in a foreign land, much less to have their taxes raised to fund it. The Constitution does not give Congress the right to cede this awesome responsibility to the Executive branch, which is what this gang of pusillanimous legislators is doing, afraid theyll lose their lucrative jobs and have to get real ones if they do anything to displease the war-drumming counselors and their little puppet-King, George.

T. Weed

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