Dear Editor:
I’d like to complain about the lack of organization and consideration for the parents and children of Hoboken as demonstrated by the absence of planning for the recent Children’s Festival held at Pier A Park.
Mayor Roberts, do you think it was appropriate for the City to advertise all over town about this festival and lead us parents into thinking it was a free event? Apparently, no one thought about us hard-working taxpaying parents, because the rides were $3 each. There were many, many parents who were upset by this.
Also, the festival really didn’t have much to offer our children. I almost felt like it was thrown together in an afternoon, with no real insight. This is probably the case because I know that City Hall has not really been working hard to address our needs. A perfect example was the amount of dogs running without leashes in Pier A Park, right in the middle of the so-called festival. No one said anything or issued a summons.
Please next time at least throw in some free hot dogs like you do for all the other groups you are trying to win over to your side politically. Thanks to you Mayor Roberts, Hoboken is going to the dogs.
Matty Reynolds