Hudson Reporter Archive

City’s residents will have their voices heard!

Dear Editor:

Last Thursday, the Hoboken Planning Board held what may have been one of its most important meetings in years. The city is embarking on a new master plan – the first in over 15 years – and this time its our city’s residents who will have their voices heard.

Close to 200 people attended the kick-off of what will be a series of open public forums allowing feedback in shaping development and our quality of life for years to come. If this meeting was any barometer of the amount of community input the new plan will contain, we will be well served.

Issues, ranging from traffic and open spaces to parking and historic preservation, were discussed as the public gave the master plan’s developers their agenda for Hoboken’s future. This is one of the most important steps a community can make and, as I pledged during my campaign for mayor, this will be a public process.

I would like to thank all the members of the community who took the time to attend and participate in this meeting. I would also like to thank council members Marsh, DelBoccio, Andreula and Castellano for their presence.

Developing our new master plan is a process that will take many more months and will require more meeting as we progress. This is a public process and I will notify you of upcoming dates and times.

Mayor David Roberts

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