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And the winner is UC student receives national art award

Camila Montenegro’s parents always knew that she was talented. Cecilia Montenegro, Camila’s mother, said that she started painting at an early age.

“Ever since she was little, she liked to paint things by herself,” said Cecilia Montenegro of Union City. “She had a great imagination.”

So it came as no surprise to the Montenegro family when they found that Camila, 11, had won an art award from the United States Achievement Academy.

“This award is like paying [Camila] for all of her hard work,” said Cecilia Montenegro.

The United States Achievement Academy selects winners based on teacher or coach recommendation. Besides looking at Camila’s achievements in art, the academy also looked at Camila’s overall academic achievements.

Adding depth

Although Camila said that she has been painting ever since she could remember, she enjoys architecture the best.

“I am good at many things in school, not just in art,” said Camila, who is a student at Woodrow Wilson School, which is located in Weehawken but is part of the Union City school system. “Architecture combines art with math and creativity. I can create something made by me.”

Camila first became interested in architecture two years ago when she took a Saturday morning class in the subject. While in those classes, Camila was able to create a floor plan for a house.

However, even though Camila said that she would like to create her dream house one day, she does still like to paint.

“I like painting things that have a shade to it so that I can use different volumes of color,” said Camila, who said that she has painted many still-lifes. “Sometimes I also like to draw people.”

“Camila did the type of work when she was smaller that other people only do when they get older,” said Cecilia Montenegro.

Woodrow Wilson School is used as a target school within the Union City District. Students are nominated to attend the school after they are interviewed and send in a portfolio for eligibility.

As an arts-integrated school, students at Woodrow Wilson use the arts to enhance the other subjects.

Woodrow Wilson School is also one of the pilot schools taking part in the state’s Arts Create Excellent Schools Initiative (ACES). ACES is a partnership of the New Jersey Alliance for Arts Education, The New Jersey State Department of Education and the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.

As an award winner

As a United States Achievement Academy winner, Camila is eligible for academy scholarships that have to be set aside and used for educational purposes. Scholarship grants range from $100 to $1,500. The Academy has already awarded more than $740,000 in scholarships.

Camila will also have her picture and a short biography listed in the Academy’s official yearbook.

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