Hudson Reporter Archive

Makes one wonder…

Dear Editor:

Assemblyman and Bayonne Mayor Joe Doria, Freeholder William O’Dea and Councilmen Mariano Vega and Steve Lipski are the only Hudson County elected officials who have publicly advocated the termination of the Liberty State Park Development Corporation. These officials have taken the honorable position that supports the public good and the park’s mission for a free and green park in this densely populated urban area. But where are the other elected officials? Where are their voices?

The people have spoken overwhelmingly time and time again against any commercialization of the park. A park is a park, is a park and Liberty State Park is a precious jewel. We do not need in a state park any further pricey commercial events that create massive traffic jams, pollution and which make it difficult or impossible for the general public to gain access. No other state park is saddled with a development corporation. There is absolutely no valid reason for the continued existence of this entity or for state funds to support it. Pressure from the Development Corporation for its continued existence must be intense. It makes one wonder what kind of money is involved and where does it lead.

Nikki Sirken

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