Hudson Reporter Archive

Hoboken is ‘unnecessarily noisy’!

Dear Editor:

I’m writing this letter to address the unnecessary noise pollution throughout Hoboken. Not only do the taxis and livery drivers honk their horns like crazy during the early morning hours and throughout the day but also the police department and fire department. Maybe if the police spent less concern on a double-parked vehicle, way down on Jefferson Street, they would be able to spend more time improving the safety of our streets and parks for Hoboken’s citizens.

Living in NYC all my life, then moving to Hoboken two years ago, I am amazed how loud this little mile square city is! What is the need of the fire department to blow the horn all the way down 8th Street continuously? Are there really at least five fires in Hoboken on a daily basis? Why do the police officers honk their horn at every little thing, even crossing a street? Why are there no honking regulations throughout the city? No one enjoys being woken up at 3 a.m. by a taxi.

Going deaf in Hoboken

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