Hudson Reporter Archive

The bus shouldn’t be political, but now that you mentioned it…

Dear Editor:

I don’t often write letters to the editor, but I would like to set the record straight about a letter in the Reporter regarding Hoboken’s New Community Shuttle Bus. First of all, it doesn’t matter which administration obtained the new bus. What does matter is that it was received for the good of our residents, especially our senior citizens and disabled residents. This is one important fact that should have been stressed in the bus supervisor’s letter. The bus arrived for the good of the people, not to create a political issue.

The Bus Supervisor should know that anyone with a CDL operating license is already trained and he should know according to NJ State Statue, anyone with a CDL license is subject to a drug and alcohol test anytime it’s requested by management. The author of the letter should know that all city property is covered by insurance. Also, it is my understanding that the author of the letter participated in the development of the new bus route. So despite his claim to the contrary, the required route was approved earlier than he stated.

Finally, it should not matter how the bus was obtained or who did the paperwork. The only goal that should be set is the continuous operation of the buses for the good of the people.

George DeStefano

Editor’s note: The author is the city’s revenue director and brother-in-law of the former mayor.

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