Hudson Reporter Archive

Cashing in on Hoboken!

Dear Editor:

I am writing this in response to Dan Tumpson’s letter of 6/23/02, “Stop School Board from demolishing Demarest and Hoboken High Schools!”

This is an outrage! Both of these school buildings could be renovated. I agree with Mr. Tumpson that the Demarest School is a beautiful and historical part of Hoboken history and should be saved at all costs.

I proposed in a letter to ‘The Reporter’ of 10/7/2001 “Hoboken needs a ‘Landmark Commission’. I wrote, “I feel that this is longtime over due and is the only way we as concerned individuals can save and preserve what’s historically important in Hoboken.”

Haven’t we lost enough to developers?

If you have comments or suggestions, please call me at 201-792-2019.

John Heliker

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