Hudson Reporter Archive

Dick Clark’s at fault for abusing our ears

Dear Editor:

It is understood that every individual has his own appetite and ear for music so I have no argument that to each his own is a gimme.

One day in the 1950’s, somewhere, I accidentally tuned in to Dick Clark’s Bandstand. I observed a bunch of teenagers making ape-like gyrations to some background sounds. Actually, they were dancing, they told me. At that particular time in my life I was a know-it-all without basis. Therefore, I scoffed disgustedly at that display and sound and it was many, many years later that I realized that some of the moves were very rhythmic and some of the music was good enough to remain popular to this day. Even I admit I get some pleasure out of it. Some of it.

I know that I’m judging out of context but to this day I’m sure Dick Clark had a big hand in the resulting sounds that comprise today’s so-called music.

The way I see it, and I’d welcome criticism, music should not offend the ear. It serves as soothing background during a fine meal and generally known to soothe the wild beast. With the proper setting and receptive mood, I’ve even been able to cure a headache or avoid an ulcer. My world would suffer a great void without real music.

On the other hand, when sounds cause cringing and a quick rush to the volume control, to lower it, anxiety is likely to occur. The jumping up and down become involuntary without the sufferer having any such conception that not only his or her ear is being abused but that the last fix is wearing off. What could have been conceived as music that had any connection to the Dick Clark debacle has completely vanished. I can’t help feeling that a split in the road of music happened due to greed that Mr. Clark displayed when he realized that promoting that garbage was making him a multi-millionaire. I’m sure he knew the difference between music and obnoxious noise, that screams out of so many automobile radios as the idiot youth passes by with windows fully open and he or she using the front seat as a trampoline. If they could realize that they will become prematurely deaf it would not make much difference. They are so indoctrinated with noise, and Dick Clark should be held accountable.

Angelo Nanfro

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