Hudson Reporter Archive

Why W.I.N. lost!

Dear Editor:

On Wednesday, May 14, the residents of Weehawken breathed a collective sigh of relief as the Weehawken and You slate trounced the Friends of the Weehawken Waterfront – Er..I mean the Weehawken Initiative Now ticket. Thus insuring four more years of sound fundamental governance.

When assessing the reasons why W.I.N. lost, look to hypocrisy, arrogance and an outdated ideology that resurrects itself in different areas of the state every four years. This Liberal activism was more reminiscent of an era long gone and long ago discredited. The elitist attitude of the losing “WIN”-ers, alienated the voter base they were so desperately trying to capture. While I’ll admit that the demography of Weehawken is changing, the overall make-up consists primarily of blue-collar moderates. The W.I.N. ticket represents the extreme left wing of the Democratic Party, a political faction that was totally eviscerated during the “Reagan Revolution” and the “Contract with America.” The majority of residents in Weehawken are comprised of average Americans whose main concern is being able to provide for their families, pay their mortgage, enjoy safe neighborhoods and good schools. Their liberal counterparts lament over which BMW to buy or whether to vacation at Block Island or the Hamptons. This political ideology is what prevented a buffoon like liberal-in-disguise Al Gore from winning his home state and losing the presidential election.

The credentials of the potential candidates read like a casting call for a Woody Allen movie.

By contrast, the Turner Administration has ushered in a new “Economic” paradigm of lowering taxes while increasing social services, a feat that would make even Milton Friedman proud. With a Political All-Star team consisting of Lou Ferullo, Jim Terlizzi, Robert Sosa and Rosemary Lavagnino, Weehawken is poised to enter the 21st century as the pre-eminent leader on issues of fiscal responsibility.

The WIN team was counting on the votes of the young professionals who moved into Weehawken over the last decade. Yet, those same young professionals still recognize a wise and resourceful leader when they see one. Whatever you want to say about Richard Turner, he’s still the best budget manager in any municipality in this state. We don’t need a “team” of untested yuppies running on a single, overembellished issue to manage this town. We need experience and knowledge regarding how this town, county and state works. You do not learn this in college, as town clerk, as an “artist” or as a “medical educator.” You become competent in managing a town budget through years of struggle, compromise, networking, statesmanship and, yes, political skill. Compare the record of Weehawken to surrounding towns, there is no compromise. The audacity of the WIN team to think that they could run on their personalities and the promise of a Starbucks on Park Avenue.

To the WIN team: Keep your Cafe Lattes and give me lower taxes, lower crime and increasing property values. See you again in four years, if you stick around, that is.

Gary Nicol

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