Hudson Reporter Archive

Working together to keep our town drug free

Dear Editor:

One of the priorities of my administration as Mayor of Union City has been to improve the quality of life in our community.

Over the past year and a half, I have introduced numerous ordinances to this end, including closing the bars earlier, requiring landlords to be more responsible to their tenants, their property and their neighborhood, requiring store owners to keep the front of their stores neat and clean, and more.

While I realize that individual negative behavior is difficult to legislate, I believe that working as partners in making our city a better place can go a long way in discouraging certain negative and illegal behavior.

I know that some stores in Union City sell cigarette rolling paper and cigars. I don’t think I need to tell you that these items are often used with illegal drugs by both adults and minors, and that it is against the law to sell these items to minors, regardless of the intent.

I am asking responsible business people to work with me in voluntarily removing these items from your inventory.

If any store owner would like to discuss this issue with me, I encourage him or her to contact my office.

Brian P. Stack

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