Hudson Reporter Archive

Because of the letter carriers’ food drive, our pantry is full!

Dear Editor:

I would like to publicly express my deep appreciation to the letter carriers of the United States Postal Service. Each year they hold a food drive in conjunction with their regular mail delivery route. This truly is an ingenious and inspired idea.

Canned foods are quite a bit heavier than letters, so they are to be commended on their strenuous and comprehensive undertaking. Few may fully realize its extreme value for the hundreds of food pantries across the nation. It is timely replenishing a dwindling supply of food right before summer when donations slack off drastically.

I also want to thank the citizens in the community who took the time to share a little of their abundance with poorer households unable to make ends meet.

Our food pantry, located at Our Lady of Grace Church, was founded by the Hoboken Clergy Coalition’s churches and synagogue 20 years ago at the same time as our shelter. Currently, it is still sponsored by the same nine local religious communities. It has quietly operated providing emergency food and clothing to residents of our housing projects, the lower income households in our Applied Housing Complex and senior citizen buildings.

About 120 households visit our ministry each month. It’s a relief to know we will have enough food available.

April Harris, Coordinator
Our Lady of Grace Church

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