Hudson Reporter Archive

Good reasons why I’m for WIN

Dear Editor:

On May 14th, I will be voting for the WIN (Weehawken Initiative Now) ticket in our Township Council election. I believe that the viewpoints of these candidates most closely reflect the things that I believe are important to Weehawken. I also believe that they are extremely qualified for the positions.

Firstly, WIN is against overdevelopment in the Township. As a concerned citizen, I sat through almost every Planning Board hearing pertaining to the Roseland development that was approved for our waterfront. If one builds another hotel complexe, office towers up to eight stories, and multiple 8-story apartment buildings, it is going to affect traffic and parking in this community. It also struck me that they were going to build a new, larger ferry terminal at the 49th Street cove, but decrease the number of parking spaces. We were told that the new Hudson-Bergen Light Rail would alleviate the additional traffic. Most of the ferry passengers are coming in from towns to the north of us and the Light Rail does not go to West New York or Edgewater. We can still get ratables with sensible development.

Second, the WIN candidates are committed to Park Avenue. So much emphasis has been placed on the waterfront development, while Park Avenue and its residents have been completely neglected. The WIN candidates would like to improve Park Avenue and create an environment that will attract businesses to the many empty storefronts that will benefit the current residents of this street and Township.

Third, WIN is committed to open government and keeping citizens informed. It is our right as Americans to participate in our government. We as citizens elect our officials; the WIN candidates will serve their public. The WIN candidates will also turn Town Hall into a customer service oriented environment. If one calls with a concern or complaint, he/she will immediately be connected to the proper person to handle the concern. Finally, I believe that WIN candidates are intelligent, have true concern for our community and are representative of the Weehawken population.

On May 14th, vote the WIN ticket.

Thomas Kralik

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