Hudson Reporter Archive

Current Exchange

Send short, interesting missives to: Or write: Current, 1400 Washington St., Box 3069, Hoboken, NJ. If we don’t get enough letters, we get upset and then make them up, so please write to Current editor Eugene Mulero. Answering our own letters is no fun.

Where’s JoAnne?

I’m beginning to think that your essay about JoAnne Steglitz leaving the Current is true. I haven’t seen her movie reviews in a while. They were pretty good. – E., Hoboken.

JoAnne is a good writer, but she’s moving to Pennsylvania. She was here for three years, and we saw her quit smoking, run a marathon, and hone her reviewing skills. We’ll miss her, but who knows – maybe she’ll end up syndicated someday.

Festival memories

I thought the Hoboken Arts and Music festival offered a terrific musical lineup last weekend. Who was your favorite performer? – Lisa, Jersey City

I have to say the band Eugene, because we share the same name.

McGuinn is alive

It was awesome to read about ex-Byrds member Roger McGuinn in last week’s Current. I thought he was dead or something. – Joe, Weehawken

Roger is alive and well and he can still rock.

Drink up

How can I get paid to drink, write about it, and have fun at the same time? – John, Bayonne

I dunno, just ask Chris Halleron. His column “Hal Wastes His Wages” appears in the Current every other week.


How are you guys doing?

Fine, thanks.

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