Hudson Reporter Archive

That settles it

Dear Editor:

This letter is directed towards Helen H. Lisa where do you get off insulting my intelligence by saying I am a very sick person. You are a coward for saying I am a sick person. Did you know that the sea gulls make a bigger mess with their droppings. You know I have the right to write about whatever I want. At one point in my life I used to hate pigeons but now I love pigeons and the squirrels.

Do you know how a sea gull serves as a purpose, they are an animal that feeds on dead or decaying matter. Also I have freedom of speech the right to say what is on my mind and no reader is going to write in and say different. Maybe taking all the sea gulls and placing them in an oven is a little harsh so here is another idea, we should make a huge net and trap all of the sea gulls and bring them to an island some place far from the city.

Brian Silvani

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