Hudson Reporter Archive

Public schools send many children to college

Dear Editor:

After the election, the insulting, degrading, anti public school pamphlets that downsize and demonize every decency in the system that good parents and good teachers are at work on will again crawl back into the garbage cans that they were saved in, for the next election, of course…collected by the garbage heads who created them.

Lionizing the so called “reformers” and demonizing the rest has become a part and parcel of politics in this town, and the school system has become a target for blanket statements of ignorance, to obtain votes for wanna be politicians, and their supporters. Granted, there is always room for improvement in any system, local politics included…

Unfortunately, the pamphlets and fliers have disregarded and ignored any good that has come from public education here, and there has been much. Much more good than bad…

Many of us parents have students who are now in the second and third year of college as the result of the good in the public school system…

Quality colleges such as Stevens, Stanford and Rutgers, to name a few, have accepted our students from the public schools IB programs, and “tracking systems!”

This has resulted from the parent participation, programs, better marks, and cooperation between the aforementioned, and the many good teachers who care, and work with the parents.

A recycling fact to remember when you “file” the political fliers that assault your mailbox and your intelligence, in with your garbage, and please, don’t forget to wash your hands…

Margaret O’Brien
Hoboken parent

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