Hudson Reporter Archive

I’ve never seen Hoboken this dirty

Dear Editor:

I do not often get excited over the issues in Hoboken because for the most part I have been a happy resident for more than ten years. I never thought I would write a letter to the local newspaper but now I feel as though I need to express my opinion.

In this week’s issue of the Reporter, a resident commented as to how Hoboken has never been cleaner. I was first amused and then angered that someone could actually believe that to be true. If indeed it were true, there would be no need to write a letter but instead, everyone would already know it. It is, however, that in my opinion, Hoboken hasn’t been this dirty as long as I’ve lived here.

I remember visiting with my family in the 70’s and my parents were always talking about how filthy the streets were. But when I moved here I saw a big difference occur about 6 or 7 years ago. There were City workers all over town in the morning and they were sweeping the streets. I walk to the Path station every day so I know what I saw. Downtown was as clean as Washington Street and the Path area was clean too. Now, I see the men on Washington Street but I do not see them anywhere else. Washington Street may be clean now but it has been that way for years. What about the rest of the City? I have never seen it so neglected.

I voted for this mayor and I must admit that I made a big mistake. I knew from friends of mine that the mayor was more frills than substance but we all decided to give him a chance. He needs to wake up and stop treating this town as though anything west of Washington Street is part of another town. Clean up this town before the voters are forced to clean out City Hall. I don’t own a car, so parking doesn’t concern me and I do not have children in the school system so I am not affected by that issues, but the one thing that I consider to be important is a clean environment and on that issue, the mayor has failed miserably.

Adam Zeller

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