Hudson Reporter Archive

Don’t forget to register by Monday to vote in the school election

Dear Editor:

This letter is a reminder that the deadline for voter registration for the 2002 Annual School Election is Monday, March 18. Any qualified adult who has not registered to vote, should do so by March 18 in order to participate in the School Election being held on Tuesday, April 16.

There are more than 1,500 school board positions on the ballot statewide, as well as school budgets and other expenditures that total more than $15 billion statewide. School Elections give residents of school districts the opportunity to approve or reject their district proposed school budgets for the next year. It is also an opportunity for the residents to select the men and women who will represent them on their local school board for the next year.

Please take advantage of this occasion to make your vote heard and influence the manner in which schools in your district operate. Register to vote in the 2002 Annual School Election by March 18.

Rafael J. Fraguela
Assemblyman, District 33

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