Hudson Reporter Archive

The American Heroes

When the World Trade Center was blown up
We all sat drinking from this bitter cup
Then we began to rally from the insidious shock
Our heroes came together as one solid rock

People from all walks of life begin to dig in the rubble
To bring out those alive in the debris and stubble
Some heroes lost their lives to help bring out others
No greater love is there, than losing your life, for a brother

We have so many heroes you can’t count or name them all
When America needed them, they answered the call
Lord, some lost their lives, thank God some did get out
The love that was and is shown is what we’re all about

The spirits of those gone knew this could be their fate
They are receiving their crowns at heaven’s open gate
Such bravery and love is what America is all about
We are the greatest country let no one ever doubt

We hold our heroes high and forever intertwined in our hearts
And now it’s time for us to each do our parts
Keeping God always in the forefront is what life is about
We’re going to win this battle, believe and have no doubt

Georgia McLane Collins

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