Hudson Reporter Archive

Hangin’ with the writers The ultimate intimate acoustic music circle celebrates its fourth anniversary

"I like to write and I like to hang," Phil Roy said last week. So, it seems appropriate that the Philly-based singer songwriter will join Scott E. Moore’s acoustic music circle, The Writer’s Hang, at The Goldhawk (936 Park Ave., Hoboken) on Thursday, March 7 at 8:30 p.m.

Roy, however, will not be performing at just any Hang. Thursday night will mark the series’ fourth anniversary.

In March of 1998 – back when The Goldhawk was still the Liquid Lounge – Moore founded the celebrated acoustic music circle. Since its incipience, The Writer’s Hang has attracted an impressive rooster of artists from around the country. Past guests have included Chris Barron, Ricky Byrd, Toshi Reagon, Willie Nile and Rebecca Martin.

But the Writer’s Hang is not a typical songwriter’s circle. Rather than hosting a roomful of musicians, Moore invites two or three contemporary singer/songwriters to join him on stage at a time. Tweaking the de facto etiquette even more, between making music, Moore interviews his guests.

"Musicians are usually reluctant to talk about their work," said Moore, who has been an integral part of Hoboken’s verdant music scene since the early ’90s when he played with bands like The Gefkens and Gimmethegun. "But I can usually get them to open up. It’s got kind of an Inside the Actor’s Studio-vibe. And the crowd gets really into it."

To celebrate his series’ fourth anniversary, Moore is welcoming the Philadelphia pop artist Jim Boggia along with Phil Roy.

In the wee hours

For those not in the singer/songwriter acoustic music circle know, Phil Roy is a venerated music industry veteran who has written songs for recording artists like Ray Charles, Joe Cocker, Widespread Panic, Paul Young and others. After spending 20 years writing lyrics for other people, the sought-after songwriter recently released his solo debut, grouchyfriendly. The CD has sold almost 10,000 copies and has made many critics’ Top Ten Best lists. Locally, the song "Melt," which was co-written with the actor Nicolas Cage, received massive airplay on WFUV (90.7), Fordham University’s Public Radio Station and folk music’s unofficial mecca.

"I remember, before I met Phil, hearing ‘Melt’ and just getting sucked in," Moore said last week. "The song is really mesmerizing."

In fact, Musician’s Atlas, the national music directory created for the independent music community, recently named Roy Independent Artist of the Year.

"I’m so psyched to get this level of talent," Moore said. "Phil Roy headlines at the Bottom Line and he called me. It’s funny, people who live two blocks away have never heard of us, and I get calls from L.A. and Austin asking about us."

The evening will not only mark Roy’s first Hang, but it will also be his first trip to Hoboken.
"I’m excited," he said. "I’m coming to Frank’s town."

In fact, according to Roy, the Frank Sinatra album In the Wee Small Hours provided the inspiration for his debut CD.

"That was one of the blueprints for what was to be grouchyfriendly," he said. "I love it. It’s quiet and it sets a mood."

Jim Boggia, who is also from Philly, will be joining Moore and Roy on stage. Recently, Boggia has been garnering nationwide buzz for his catchy Beatles-esque tunes. He has recorded and toured with Juliana Hatfield, Amanda Marshall and Jill Sobule. In 2000, the Philadelphia Music Conference named him "Artist of The New Millennium."

"For me, it’s great," Moore said. "I get to play with great people to an audience where you can hear a pin drop. It’s the ultimate intimate performance." q

Stellar Philly musicians Phil Roy and Jim Boggia will join Scott E. Moore’s acoustic music circle, The Writer’s Hang, at The Goldhawk (936 Park Ave., Hoboken) on Thursday, March 7 at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $5. For more information call (201) 420-7989.

"I get calls from L.A. and Austin asking about us." – Scott E. Moore

"I’m excited. I’m coming to Frank’s town." – Phil Roy

Side bar:

Renaissance Man

Along with celebrating the fourth anniversary, Moore recently completed the first Writer’s Hang compilation CD entitled The Writer’s Hang Volume I – Modern Singer/Songwriters You Need To Hear. The CD features 15 studio performances by artists who have participated in the Hang. Some of the talents include Larry John McNally, Dayna Kurtz, Ben Arnold, Julia Greenberg, Tom Ferund, Rebecca Martin, Jessica Schoenberg, Joe Rathbone and Bob Delevante.

"There’s a lot going on," Moore said. "It’s been a good couple of months."

Moore is also developing a Writer’s Hang web site that will not only promote the series, but will also act as a resource for fans of the genre.

For more information about the CD or web site visit

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