Hudson Reporter Archive

Current Exchange

Send short, interesting missives to Or write Current, 1400 Washington St., Box 3069, Hoboken, NJ. If we don’t get enough letters, we are going to make some up ourselves and put them here. Consider yourself warned.

Leif’s locks

I never understood the attraction with Leif Garrett ("That ’70s heartthrob," Feb. 28). Back in the day, I loved Donny Osmond and Shaun Cassidy. I think maybe Leif’s hair was too puffy for me – even back then. – Caroline, Hoboken

His hair was puffy. But so was Donny Osmond’s.

Rock on

I saw Leif Garrett’s band play at Maxwell’s on Thursday night and they weren’t half bad. Rock on ’70s dude! – Henry, Weehawken

We’ll be sure to pass on your kind words.

Who’s Benson?

In "Crushed: Who was your heartthrob?" Ann from Peper says, "It was all about Robby Benson." Who is Robby Benson? – Rachel G., Jersey City

You remember … he was in Ice Castles and Harry and Son with Paul Newman.


On the 126 bus coming back to Hoboken from New York:

GUY ON CELL PHONE: I have something to tell you. I purchased…IT. Uh huh. Uh huh. It is nice. Uh huh. Listen, I’m on the bus, but I’ll call you later and tell you what I’m thinkin’.

If you have an idea what he might have been talking about, or you hear any equally-brilliant conversations, e-mail us at

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