Hudson Reporter Archive

Thank you Secaucus voters for your confidence and support

Dear Editor:

On behalf of Governor-elect Jim McGreevey and the entire Elwell Democratic Team, I want to thank the voters of Secaucus for their resounding vote of confidence and support in last Tuesday’s election.

As your Mayor, I have worked hard, along with the Town Council majority, to keep taxes stable, to preserve open space, to address neighborhood concerns and to maintain Secaucus’ small-town character.

I always have believed that the best politics is good government. And in my first term I believe I’ve kept the promises made to our community.

In the coming years, I pledge to work just as hard on behalf of the people of Secaucus. While our accomplishments are many, there is still much work to do. We will continue to work to make sure our taxpayers receive full value for each tax dollar. We will work to expand and improve recreational opportunities, especially for our young people. We will work with our schools to help make them even better.

And with a new Administration in Trenton, we will have a sympathetic ear on our concerns about traffic, the new Allied Junction train station and development of the Meadowlands.

I want to express a special appreciation to the voters for their overwhelming demonstration of support for me as Mayor. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I won more of your votes than any other candidate — even Governor-elect McGreevey.

But more than anything, I want to thank the voters of Secaucus for participating in our democratic System. This year we have all been given an enormous reminder of the true treasure that is the right to vote. I want to congratulate each and every Secaucus resident who exercised their right and voted on Election Day.

Dennis Elwell


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