Hudson Reporter Archive

Anthrax a threat to our influential coke users

Dear Editor:

Currently, the "white powder" which is featured in the media is that of a virulent form of the anthrax (bacillus anthraces) disease.

Though usually associated with occupations such as hide workers, sheep shearers, laboratory technicians and veterinarians who come into contact with infected animals, the new method of transmission almost defies detection time to prevent the onset of deadly symptoms.

When inhaled by a victim (inhalation anthrax), respiratory distress, fever and shock occur, death follows shortly thereafter.

Because the finely ground powder form is white and closely resembles powder cocaine, it presents a significant and deadly threat to powder cocaine users (not crack cocaine users) unless the powder cocaine is decontaminated by radiation, high-heat-moisture treatment or burning.

It is only a matter of time before the two powders, cocaine and anthrax, are combined and indiscriminately distributed to users. Although this statement probably represents stereotypical profiling, I’m afraid many entertainers, Hollywood types, Wall-street professionals, health professionals, sports figures, politicians and announcers may become terminally infected by a zealot driven by misguided morality.

Action must be taken if we are to prevent the death of many of our high-level contributors to American culture. We don’t want to rapidly lose doctors, politicians, entertainers, etc. If we are to believe Rev. Jesse Jackson, however, members of the minority persuasion in our society will be spared (he says they use heat-treated crack cocaine).

It is time that we turn over the production of cocaine to the pharmaceutical industry to insure purity of production and controlled distribution (once the enabling legislation is enacted) to the chronic users aforementioned as well as those not mentioned.

Frank X. Landrigan

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