Hudson Reporter Archive

Honor the dead by helping the living

Dear Editor:

On Friday evening, September 14, 2001 the tenants of Meadowview Village, North Bergen, gathered around the flag pole on Meadowview Avenue to hold a candlelight vigil. These services were attended by 100-125 people. In attendance were people of all races and creeds. There were Black, White, Spanish, Asian and Muslim people and many veterans.

The ceremonies were opened by Edward McDowell VFW Post 2648 North Bergen Commander Bernard Schlein who led the people in the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by the singing of the National Anthem and God Bless America. Then a moment of silent prayer was requested by Commander Schlein for the people of the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and the crash in Pittsburgh. Many a tear was shed.

A speech was made by a young 12 year old Spanish girl asking that all people should get together, be friends, stop the fighting among races and get together like we were on this evening.

Many candles were lit around the flag pole, and many people were carrying and waving American Flags.

Honor the dead by helping the living.

Bernard Schlein

Commander VFW Post 2648

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