Hudson Reporter Archive

Don’t tinker with Social Security

Dear Editor:

I take issue with Joseph Lefkowitz who finds fault with a Social Security study commission, one of whose members is former senator Pat Moynahan.

Lefkowitz should review the historical changes [tinkering] made in the last 60 years or so by just such study commissions: 1) enactment in 1935 (withholding in 1937] of the Federal Insurance contributions act; 2) adding non-contributing wives to the entitlement; 3) discounted payout for 62-year olds; 4) survivor benefits at 60 years; 5) SS was merged with the general budget to reduce the Vietnam War deficit and Medicare was born; 6) a cost of living adjustment [COLA] was added; 7) disability benefits were added; 8) some survivor benefits became taxable; 9) other benefits were included.

Tinkering by the congress [Democrat and Republican] is a time-honored tradition as evidenced by past actions.

While not all the tinkering was positive, would Lefkowitz de-tinker COLA and continue without the inflation adjustment? Would he want to remove the widow/widower/disability benefits? And would he ask that social security surpluses not be loaned to the government at picayune rates which brought about the enabling of a general surplus?

You state that Social Security has paid monthly benefits for over 60 years without missing a month. While this is true, it will not continue. Today’s contributors will be locked out!

Do you want to take away from them a possible saving of their contributions to the fund? Please consider those who must come after you!

Frank X. Landrigan

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