Hudson Reporter Archive

Pre-school program praised, not proposed 7-hour day

Dear Editor:

I am the mother of 4 year old twins attending the Union City Early Learning Center’s Pre-School Program at the 35th Street site.

I am basically pleased with the program; the teachers are warm and caring and, although there is no yard or playground and my children’s room has no window, the facility is beautiful – clean, bright and spacious.

I was alarmed to learn that the Abbott districts’ state funded Pre-School and Pre-K program next year will be a 7 hour day. Am I the only one in town who feels that a 7 hour school day is outrageously long for a 3 or 4 year old who doesn’t need day-care?

I completely understand that many families have two working parents, or are headed by a single parent and for them, the 7 hour day, with the option of 10 hours is a great, money-saving, boon. But what about us who don’t require day care?

Why not leave the Pre-School, Pre-K and even Kindergarten classes half day with the option of a longer day if requested? Of course, this makes scheduling more complicated, but should educational decisions be based on convenience for parents, teachers & administrators, or the welfare of our kids?

Elizabeth Weiss

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