Hudson Reporter Archive

For progress & unity in Jersey City, vote for Glenn Cunningham & his entire team

Dear Editor:

I am proud to stand by Glenn D. Cunningham and the entire council team by, for and of the people of Jersey City. The votes displayed for Glenn Cunningham and the Team on May 8th was certainly a mandate of the people of Jersey City and a voice stating that we need a mayor that will represent all of the people of Jersey City and not just the interests of the billionaire developers.

I have been active since the 1960s, in civic and government affairs in our City and can attest that between 1985 and 1989 we have never witnessed a more dedicated or hard-working Council President as Glenn Cunningham. Glenn devoted full time to the task of both the legislative and administrative affairs of the City. What other Council President has utilized his full time energies for the betterment of the City? It is to be strongly noted that during the last eight years it was necessary for the State of New Jersey to intercede in Jersey City and take over the financial mess in our town. The current administration has used us in this City as a launching pad for the Office of Governor and other selfish aspirations.

Glenn Cunningham possesses the law enforcement experience to reorganize and fight crime on a grass roots level. Glenn, as a former United States Marine has stated that “no one is left behind” in our society. He truly represents all of the people, all of the time.

Please know that on June 5th in this run-off election we hold the power in our voting finger to change the current situation in Jersey City and restore the City back to the people. We urge you to march proudly to the voting machine, close those curtains behind you and vote for Glenn Cunningham and the entire Cunningham Team for progress and unity in Jersey City.

Robert B. Knapp

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