Hudson Reporter Archive

Local constituent favors Russo and Council

Dear Fellow Hobokenites and Voters:

As the election grows nearer, the Roberts ticket is calling on outside help by bringing in Bob Menendez and a platform of scare tactics. As a Hoboken citizen and voter, I say, “Mr. Menendez, go home! We have never needed “big” government and outsider influence here in Hoboken. You don’t know Hoboken, and you don’t know the voters and the citizens who make up this city (the city that was named The Best City to Live In by New Jersey Monthly magazine); turn your efforts to those municipalities that need your help. We don’t.

Mayor Russo and his Council have managed to make Hoboken a thriving metropolis, recognized as a leading city in New Jersey. When we make our choice at the polls, hopefully our choices will be based on past performance, commitment to the constituents, and continued good government. When I think about Hoboken, I think about the great contributions to the public good that Mayor Russo and his Council have made, and I for one want it to continue. I hope you will consider his record and disregard outside politicians and “politics.”

Barbara Bilis

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