Hudson Reporter Archive


A few weeks ago I wrote a piece which touched on the absence of any celebrations from St. Patrick’s Day to Memorial Day. Well let’s just say I’m rather “resourceful” when it comes to finding excuses for a night out, because I was able to find a couple good shindigs in the past week that involved a little raising of the wrist.

Tip No. 1 on Finding an Excuse for Booze:

Get a good calendar. A quality calendar will list all the holidays for different countries around the world. Under the guise of cultural exchange and exploration, you too can celebrate this various holidays by finding a bar or restaurant that caters to said culture. For example, last Wednesday was ANZAC Day in Australia and New Zealand. The Australia New Zealand Army Corps landed on the shores of Gallipoli (lousy military blunder, excellent movie though – Australia’s Mel Gibson actually plays an Australian for once) on April 25, 1915. Since then, the day has been observed as one of remembrance, much like our Memorial Day.

Since I live with an Aussie, I suppose I have a better excuse to celebrate it than most, and luckily we were able to get a table at an Australian restaurant called Eight Mile Creek (240 Mulberry St., Manhattan). A few diplomats from Australia were reportedly in attendance, and meanwhile an Australian camera crew was shooting for a popular TV program there (no, it wasn’t Survivor, and we didn’t have to kill our own meals). The appetizer was a huge bowl of steamed Yabbies, a sort of crawfish from down-under, followed by an amazing Macadamia-encrusted tuna steak then a scrumptious Pavlova dessert.

And of course, there was the booze: a nice bottle of Frankland Estate Chardonnay and a couple Cooper’s Pale Ales (I had help with the wine – I’m not that much of a lush). Dinner for three came to $167, and although it was a bit outside my salary cap it was well worth it.

Tip No. 2 on Finding an Excuse for Booze:

Drink for charity. Numerous fund-raising events take place each weekend in our area, and the ones that make the most money are bound to have an open bar. As was the case at last weekend’s Hoboken Friends of Project Children’s Fancy Dress Ball (Harborside Financial Center, Jersey City). Project Children is a worthwhile charity that sends Northern Irish Children to the States every summer in an effort to break the inherited cycle of violence that plagues that disputed portion of an otherwise beautiful island. The good people from sponsored this year’s event, which was more than enough incentive for me to make an appearance. Unfortunately I showed up rather late and I wasn’t dressed all that “fancily,” but I still thoroughly enjoyed myself while money was raised for a great cause.

So if you keep your eyes and ears open, there’s always a reason to make any night a good night. It’s just coming up with a reason to make the next day a day off that becomes a bit difficult after a while.

If you know how I can effectively waste $50 in the metro area, please write to:
“Hal Wastes His Wages”
c/o The Hudson Current
1400 Washington Street
Hoboken, New Jersey 07030
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