Hudson Reporter Archive

Sluka is great for seniors

Dear Editor:

We both have had much experience working in government. Between the two of us, we have almost 25 years working with senior citizens. On May 8, we will be electing a new Mayor in Jersey City. We want to support someone who will address the needs of seniors and help them live active and productive lives.

This is why we are supporting Kevin Sluka for Mayor. We have know Kevin for almost 10 years. Kevin Sluka is a lifelong Jersey City resident and St. Peter’s College graduate. He and his wife of nine years, Dawn, have a son Kyle. Kevin is the youngest of seven children. His parents, Mary & Joseph, 80 years of age, are actively involved with the St. Ann’s Polish Senior Citizen Club.

Kevin began his career in government as a Mayoral Aide for Acting Mayor Joseph Rakowski. He continued as Mayoral Aide when Mayor Schundler was elected in 1992. In the Mayor’s Office, Kevin developed the Constituent Services Division and helps residents of all ages with their problems. He began attending block association meetings and community meetings in 1992 and still attends them regularly. In 1994, he as appointed as Director of Public Works. As Director, he has built dozens of playgrounds, parks, and ballfields.

As Mayor, Kevin is making senior citizen services one of his top priorities. He has two senior citizens running on his slate for Council at Large – Tony Grazioso and Warren Curtis. He plans to develop a new medical transportation program for seniors. You all know how difficult it is to get a ride to the doctor. He also plans to open at least two more senior recreational centers so seniors have a place to spend time with their friends, and be involved in activities.

You all know how much Larry and I think of seniors as our extended family. Over 150 seniors shared in our wedding and many of you have visited our new home. We would not be able to support someone for Mayor unless we knew he would take the best care of our seniors. We have known Kevin both personally and professionally for many years and know him to be a man of integrity and commitment. He is the only candidate with a real plan for his administration and the future of Jersey City.

Thank you. We hope you can join un in supporting Kevin Sluka & his entire team on May 8.

Larry & Joan Eccleston

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