Hudson Reporter Archive

I will put people before money, conviction before politics

My fellow citizens:

On May 8, 2001 you will have the opportunity to cast your vote for mayor and three council at large candidates. There are 12 candidates vying for three seats. Sort of like the PATH train at rush hour!

Please let me start by saying that you can be assured that when elected, with a full heart and deep sense of duty, I will embrace this elected position with a passion. This is not a prize, but a solemn trust to be honored. I will assume the obligation to devote every effort of mind, body and spirit to help lead our City back to greatness. Let this election be a legacy to be used as a shield for those who believe they have no protection and a sword to those who believe they have no power.

The unspoken truth is that it is impossible to solve all the problems of Hoboken as long as our City has a political process and a governmental system that has dethroned the people who are the ultimate rulers of Hoboken. The governing body of the people, by the people and for the people has been handed on a silver platter to the privileged, while so many others toil with little return.

We can debate the “issues” (overdevelopment, parking, traffic congestion, late city budgets etc.) for months and still have no solutions. Slapping a bandaid on a problem will only alleviate the symptom and not produce a cure. Some feel that we have been traveling 90 miles an hour with a foot on the gas an no hands on the wheel. Others ask how can we go forward when we don’t know which way we’re facing? Others makes unreasonable demands and expect suburban life in our City of Hoboken while others compare our City with neighboring towns when they know quite well this is the place to be.

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” as they say will be the common denominator of my philosophy and add to that, impartial, non-partisan, objective decision making.

Some may wonder what are the duties of a councilperson. As far as I know they adopt and propose ordinances and resolutions; review, revise and adopt the city budget; make appropriations; levy taxes; provide for the internal structure of local government and establish general municipal policy. When elected I will be one voice in nine, your voice. I will put people before money and conviction before politics. If you are really serious about taking Hoboken back, stand up and be counted and vote for Sal DeMeo 7B on May 8, 2001.

Thank you in advance for your support,
Sal DeMeo 7B
Candidate for Council at Large
“Call me any time” 386-9548

P.S. I would like to send out a “thank you” to those who signed my petition and express my gratitude to those who helped in the process. I’ll be in touch with you soon.

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