Hudson Reporter Archive

As the Good Book says …

Open letter to Tom DeGise, Council President

Dear City Council President DeGise,

As the Good Book says … “The knowledge of the truth will set you free.”

I am disturbed by the divisive manner in which your recent mailing portrayed Glenn Cunningham. Portraying him as a syndicate gangster in a mug shot photo wearing a “No Show” placard across his chest.

The sinister appearance that your greedy consultant tried to convey regarding the character of former Federal Marshal Cunningham is a low blow perpetrated by a waning and desperate opponent and his avaricious media machine.

As for “No Show”, Glenn Cunningham’s record as a councilman is that of personal sacrifice! Glenn Cunningham forfeited 8 years of Sergeants and Lieutenants salaries in order to serve proudly as a full-time Jersey City Councilman.

His service of 8 years yielded the citizens 2080 days of honorable service and countless weekends and holidays of his personal time helping neighborhoods and ALL THE RESIDENTS of Jersey City.

And you Council President DeGise did not give up your fully tenured position as an educator on the Jersey City Payroll. You even changed your position from teacher to Guidance Counselor to facilitate your political needs and agenda, thus shortchanging the students and property taxpayers of our city.

This city is one of the most ethnically diverse municipalities in the nation and we the citizens don’t need a mayoral candidate like yourself who is divisive.

Now that you have the truth …

Do you feel freed of your deceit?

Joseph Gallo, Jr.

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