Hudson Reporter Archive

About Russo’s list

Dear Editor:

Mayor Russo’s ad in last week’s Reporter portraying Dave Roberts as a “developer” by listing his property holdings in town was a real cheap shot.

Mr. Russo knows full well that the big issue in the current mayoral campaign is the rampant construction of new buildings that has occurred under his administration, and that this is the development Mr. Roberts has taken a stand against. To my knowledge, none of the properties listed in the ad were built by Mr. Roberts, but were simply existing buildings that he acquired. Whether Mr. Roberts’ holdings are a good or a bad thing is up for people to decide for themselves, but in no way do they represent a contradiction of his position as a candidate. Mr. Russo’s attempt to suggest otherwise is nothing short of dirty politics.

On the other hand, what does it say for Mr. Russo that his wife’s real estate agency has been granted exclusive listings on so many of the new buildings? It would be more than interesting to see an accounting of the commissions she has earned during his tenure as mayor.

Hoboken resident

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