Hudson Reporter Archive

Protect the wetlands for our wildlife

Dear Editor:

The reason I am writing is I want these towns to know that they should not build any more houses on the wetlands. We need to protect the wetlands for the wildlife. Like in Secaucus, they don’t need any more hotels or motels, they have enough. And in West New York, you don’t need any more town houses that are being built on the waterfront, there is enough there now. And in North Bergen, they don’t need to make those people move because they need that land to build more highways. There is enough stuff being built in Hudson County. What Hudson County should do with that extra money is give it to the PERC Shelter because they don’t get any help from the city, they only get donations from different people. So forget about ending the wildlife lives and leave the wetlands alone and send Union City some money for the shelter instead of wasting money on the wetlands.

Brian Silvani

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