Hudson Reporter Archive

Low-key DeMeo campaign promising rewarding returns

Dear Editor:

Please allow me to introduce myself to those who don’t already know me. My name is Sal DeMeo. I’m a lifelong resident from Hoboken. In 1997 I ran an in Independent for Council-At-Large. In that election, 897 voters cast their ballots for me. This was quite an accomplishment for a candidate with no campaign headquarters, contributions or advertisements.

Well, friends, I am running again on the May 2001 ballot (7B). Here are some quick insights regarding the philosophy of Sal DeMeo. When elected, you can depend on him for truth and equality for all – one who will embrace the elected position with a passion. You won’t be getting a political savant or someone with a “plan nine”– from “outer space” claiming to wave a magic wand and miraculously cure all the woes of our fair city. You will be getting someone with compassion, common sense and a sense of humor with humility who realizes that people have their own individual ideals, values and preferences’a humanitarian, genuine and free from hippocracy, prejudice and pretense–someone who won’t meander, be self-accommodating nor be an antagonist or a radical simply to hamper progress. You will elect an imaginative, inquisitive, un-political, a leave-no-stone-unturned, a road less traveled by a councilperson who is ready for a long bumpy haul who will have no other job; a true full-timer! Wouldn’t that be nice for a change?

If I were an archeologist, I wouldn’t be happy to simply find a lost city. My greatest satisfaction would be when I go in there with a tiny pick and brush to expose the buried treasure.

Local voters can attest that when you elect Sal DeMeo 7B you will elect someone who will exercise intelligent careful judgment spending taxpayers’ money, basing all decisions on individual merit and not on a partisan basis. You can count on his trustworthiness, integrity and candor who will always put the quality of life, public safety and the people’s individual concerns first.

I urge everyone to register. I urge everyone to vote on May 8th. Let this be the biggest turnout Hoboken has ever seen. Remember, whoever you elect will be in office for the next four years. Every vote counts, every vote matters. If you are disillusioned about the current state of affairs, now is the time to act. The ballot is very simple; one lever for your choice of Mayor and any three levers for Councilperson-At-Large. It does not matter if the candidates are grouped together, nor does it matter what Ward you live in–any three choices.

This again will be a low-key campaign without any headquarters or free hot dogs, balloons, parades, fireworks, clowns, hats, pony rides or chicken soup–not that there is anything wrong with these things. I recommend that this letter be cut out of this newspaper and saved. Maybe you can put it under a magnet on your refrigerator, then you can maintain the continuity when you read Part 2 in a couple of weeks.

Sal DeMeo (7B)
Candidate for Independent
Call me anytime 386-9548
P.S. Log onto:–quite enlightening

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