Hudson Reporter Archive

Animal shelter spending $100,000 on legal battles

Dear Editor:

We are extremely proud of the wonderful steps forward which we have taken at The Assisi Center, the former SPCA. Oh, we have a ways to go but we have come so far in the past six months, and that evidence is in the health and happiness of our animals. We invite you to come and visit us. Take a dog out for a walk. Play with one of our cats, or lend a hand in any of the many things we need to do each day to make their lives better.

Incredibly, though, there is still that small number of persons who are relentless in their attacks on The Center. These persons portray themselves publicly as “animal activists”or “animal lovers” yet their actions are devastatingly hurtful to those very animals they pretend to serve.

You probably have been reading about the result of their various antics. I wanted to avoid public confrontation because they truly are unworthy of commentary. Still, it would be irresponsible of me to allow public opinion to be formed by their malevolent actions. I am comfortable and confident that, as the future unfolds and you read the result of the various court actions initiated by these people, and as we pursue our own prosecution of these persons as criminal actions on their part demand, you will hear the full truth about our Assisi Center. At that appropriate time, you will hear the full stories and the accurate information as opposed to the malicious misrepresentations which have flooded the media for some 10 years now and the stories defy credibility.

I defer those truths for now because we are in the midst of litigation and in the midst of police investigation of the actions of these people. Suffice it to say, though, that The Assisi Center currently is spending more than one hundred thousand dollars — that’s $100,000 in legal fees because of these people. We could be doing an awful lot of good stuff for my animals with that money, and yet we must spend it this way because it would be very irresponsible of me to allow those people to continue their relentless efforts against our animals and, thereby, to have you, our public, believe the lies and misinformation which they spew forth.

Ruffles and the gang respectfully request your presence, that you come and visit us at 480 Johnston Avaenue, that you volunteer to take part in their lives, that you see for yourself those best of God’s creatures who come to us as various sad stories and who receive the love and care of a terrific staff. We also will tell you the true stories of those persons who continue to work against those same animals.

The truth will come out because it always does. It takes a long time and a great deal of patience. However, this truth will be brought out to you. Stay tuned.

Thomas Hart
Executive Director
The Assisi Center

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