Hudson Reporter Archive

Learn all you can learn when donating to charities

Dear Editor:

Since 80 percent of the money raised by charities comes from individuals, it seems every worthy cause, and some not worthy at all, is seeking our money. For many of us not a week goes by that we don’t receive a request from a charity for a donation. In most cases the charities are reputable, but you should make wise giving decisions.

First, learn all you can about the charity, including the percentage of funds that are actually used to help people compared to the percentage spent on administration and fundraising. Second don’t give cash. Contributions always should be made by check payable to the charity, not to an individual who is collecting for the charity. Third, keep records of donations to be used for documentation at tax time, and ask for written acknowledgment of significant gifts.

Donors who are interested in learning more about specific organizations can contact the Better Business Bureau at or the American Institute of Philanthropy at Specific organizations are listed on the web also can be requested by contacting the Better Business Bureau and placing a request online. To request a full list of charitable contribution tips please contact my district office at 242 10th Street, Suite 101, Jersey City, NJ 07302.

Joan M. Quigley

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