Hudson Reporter Archive

Roberts insults us all

Dear Editor:

The political advertisement by Councilman David Roberts that appeared on 2/25/01 is an insult to every resident of Hoboken, and especially to all newcomers.

Mr. Roberts contends that all the new ratables and development has failed to provide any benefits the Mayor promised. He further contends “development has failed to improve our aging infrastructure, has failed to create more affordable housing, has failed to lower taxes.”

He further states that “development has brought new parks, but they’re just as crowded as the old ones, because of all the new people” and that “development has turned a difficult parking situation into a nightmare.”

The Mayor promised new parking, an efficient city government and more open park space. He delivered on all those promises. Our aging infrastructure has been steadily improved over the last eight years. You can’t complain on the one hand about traffic detours because of the $20 million sewer rehabilitation work going on and then claim on the other that the infrastructure isn’t being improved.

Street signs are being updated. Washington Street has been improved and beautified, and the waterfront walkway is continually being expanded. The administration has announced a comprehensive affordable housing program in the northwest section of the city. The taxes were stabilized, and yes, all those new ratables help pay for the $21 million deficit left this administration by David Roberts and his colleagues in the last administration.

The Russo administration, not even counting the 916 Garden Street facility, created thousands of new parking spaces by either public or private interests. In over a decade on the city council David Roberts didn’t create a single parking space. He made one suggestion, and that was to build a deck over the Trust Company of New Jersey. As is usual in Mr. Roberts’ suggestions, it was somebody else’s land and somebody else’s money.

Now, he even complains about newcomers filling up our parks. But I don’t hear him complaining about all the money these newcomers are putting through the cash register at his East LA bar, or how much rent the newcomers are paying to live in one of the many buildings he has purchased during the boom of the Russo administration. I’m willing to bet that Councilman Roberts has made more money from all his business interests during the eight years of the Russo administration than at any other time of his life.

Yes, Mr. Roberts, you insult us all. Your advertisement makes it patently clear that you have no grasp of reality and are totally without the knowledge or achievement to lead this city.

Name withheld

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