Hudson Reporter Archive

If the shoe fits, wear it!

Dear Editor:

A few months ago, The Union City Reporter printed a reader’s letter heralding Brian Stack as the right man to fix a broken Union City. While I agree with that gentleman, he did not go far enough.

Brian Stack cannot right this city on his own; it will require more. Mayor Stack may be able to address the fiscal and administrative crisis, but he alone cannot affect the quality of life issues this city faces. It will require citizens that care about their community.

So I offer a challenge to all citizens of Union City (legal and illegal) to assist the new administration in their quest toward a quality of life like none before it. It is not acceptable to look to the new administration for action, or blame the current situation on the old administration. Rather you must realize that a higher standard of living starts with yourself.

While this formidable task is upon everyone’s shoulders, I especially present the challenge to the following citizens: to the woman who had no problem leaving her storm-swept umbrella on a stranger’s convenient stoop; to the man who feels it is ok to throw the garbage in his car to the curbside; to the boys who threw their food wrappers next to the garbage can; to the yelling and cussing public works employees; to the City Hall employees who transfer me without hearing my entire question; to the City Hall employees who say “I don’t know why they transferred you here” and proceeds to transfer me to an unknown destination; to the bus driver who constantly beeps his horn, but does not feel it necessary to pull into the bus stop; to the dog owners who are lower than what they leave behind; to the neighbors who do not tie up their trash bags properly; to those same neighbors who can’t seem to grasp the difference between recyclable and garbage; to the kids who kindly leave shopping carts all over the city; to the parents of those kids; to all the drivers that think that yellow streetlights mean “speed up”; to the folks who feel it unnecessary to shovel snow from their sidewalks.

Thank you.

Name withheld

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